Every Coaching session has a pivotal moment in it. You might even call it the true magic of coaching…

A space in time where the face you show to the world is relaxed, authenticity runs rampant and the shift is at hand.

Believe me, you don’t want to miss it!

It can come and go in a flash.

Most coaching does not know this place.

How do you recognize that it is there?

Ahhh. Great question.

Attributes Of A Magic Moment

Think of MAGIC here as a shift in perspective.

Your eyes take on a misty glaze. The perennial hold you have on your face is at rest.

Your jaw drops slightly and you may hear a hitch in your voice, perhaps even a rich deepening.

That´s when you ask the magic question; a question that comes to you when you are completely attuned to the moment. That´s when shifts happen, behaviors change…and transformation become reality.



No time like the present!

If you´re ready to uplevel your coaching, I´m here to help.

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