I think a lot about women in business...perhaps because I spend a great deal of my time talking to them. 

The other day, I was having my morning coffee when this thought came knocking:

"Why aren't there more women in the upper ranks of the corporate world?"

Many think the reason we have fewer women in top positions is due to women abandoning their career plans to spend more time caring for their families.

Another common belief is that women are inherently less ambitious and lacking in the confidence that commands respect.

Well, I want to debunk some banal beliefs here and now.

Women aren't abandoning their careers. And women, in general, do not lack either the ambition or the confidence needed to take on big jobs.

That said, there is no doubt in my mind that women in business face a steeper path to the top than men do.

To make it to the top, it's hard to know whether you're supposed to lean back, speak up or sit out…

When it comes to women in business, the world is filled with mixed messages!

Women who do make it to the top are faced with bias when it comes to things like perception.

Studies have found that while men in leadership positions are often viewed as "assertive", women with similar traits are considered "shrill" and "unlikable" and even “aggressive” (read overly).

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